Monday, August 14, 2006

At the Mountains of Madness

At the Mountains of Madness, H.P. Lovecraft. Easton Press 2006. As anyone who's held an Easton Press book can verify, these books are very nice. And what's really commendable is that they are made to be READ. The pages are acid free and thick; the binding is sewn and flexible. Quality. Now, with that said, why the hell would they publish Lovecraft's novella all by itself and not include more stories? This edition is just over 100 pages. For $60...WTF? They could have at least included his essay on the supernatural in literature. Anyway, as to this novella, let's be honest, it's a great read when you're fifteen and you've yet to experience Lovecraft. But for the well-read adult, Lovecraft's Mountains of Madness is either a guilty pleasure or a nostalgic voyage back to the first time you read it or, worst of all, an excruciating, exhausting, pain in the aeon's-old-shoggoth's ass. This was my third trip to those black capped mountains in the deep interior of Antartica . . . and it was mostly an effort. I think Lovecraft's strength lies in his shorter pieces. Of course, everyone should read this work at least once. It's exceptional in that there is nothing like it and it is pure style. Even if you don't care for the style, you gotta respect the consistency and the way in which the tale develops and climaxes. Truly unique.

1 comment:

froibo said...

I agree with your opinion of the tale, I think it is one of his more overrated pieces. However I still enjoy it and I still need this edition! I would gladly pay $60 dollars for it! The cheapest price I can find it, by itself, is well over $100. However this is well beyond my budget and the only other high produced, leather bound Lovecraft book is even more than that. You are also right to say they should have more than just "At the Mountains of Madness" included. As if this short novel even scratches the surface of Lovecraft's contributions to the horror theme.