Friday, January 19, 2007

Sung in Blood
Glen Cook
Night Shade Books, 2006
Limited 125
172 pages

Roughly the size of a trade paperback this limited hardcover is quite attractive (there’s a $24 trade hardcover that lacks only the signature sheet). With cover art by Bob Eggleton and a unique copper-colored foil stamp on the front board the book stands out. Oddly, the cover and the title to Cook’s short novel do not really capture what’s inside. The story is pure fantasy with barbaric sword fights and dueling wizards, but unlike the recent trend toward gritty reality, this tale is more comic adventure—a Robin Hood and his Merry Men type of romp. It’s true that the plot has a serious enough tone to it. The main character is seeking not only vengeance for the murder of his father but also attempting to protect the very city they reside in from an old, powerful sorcerer. Yet there is nothing but a humorous camaraderie among his cast of men, and how could one expect anything less with names like Rider, Chaz, Spud, Soup, Greystone, and Preacher? If you sit back and relax, this is a very entertaining read. Do not bring along any preconceived notions drawn from the tranquil, stylish cover art or the fancy title. It could have easily had a comic barbarian cover with the title: Rider’s Rascals versus the Evil Sorcerer Shai Khe. Still, a very entertaining read for those who enjoy fantasy.

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