Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Winds of Change

Winds of Change, Jason Brannon. Nocturnal Press, 2006. Limited 125. First off, the dustjacket is too tall for the book, causing some bending to the edges. Other than that, a nice production with appropriate cover art. After reading Brannon's chapbooks Prank and The Oracles, I was pretty excited about this new book. Generally, I don't read a book synopsis before reading the book because I don't want anything ruined and I don't want to build any expectations. Well, I wish I'd known this one was going to be so Christian oriented. I don't mind religion if it's not trying to prove god exists through fictional, supernatural events and characters, but I can't stand propaganda and that's what this felt like. The thing is, the story and characters were good, if Brannon had just not been so heavy handed with the Christianity. There are a few other stories included. The last one was pretty good, too, but it wasn't enough to make me happy I bought the limited edition.

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